New developments over at Ibsta Tech

2 min readFeb 10, 2021
Senua from Hellblade

So, Maleeha Amjad is the CEO of Ibsta Tech now. Aafia Khalid is the CTO. And I’m now the head of operations. I’m focusing on big picture stuff while these girls continue to slay and do their awesome thing. See, it’s easy to be an on-paper ally to feminism. But I am all about that feminism. In time I’ll hire more awesome girls and women and have them run the company while I do my shenanigans. And this company is all about diversity, so members of the LGBTQIA spectrum and neurodivergent people will be given an awesome opportunity to work at Ibsta Tech too.

Moreover, we’re gonna be doing awesome things in AI, game development, web development, and computer science and literature and awesomeness, and we’re gonna have fun while we’re at it.

The mantra and the slogan and the motto of the company remains: “Doing tech the right away.”

And if you’re a dropout or someone called crazy by their peers or someone who doesn’t fit, a black sheep, you’re always more than welcome to join Ibsta Tech.

Follow our Facebook page if you wanna keep up with awesomeness.

At its heart, this company is hardcore liberal and believes in all liberal values like feminism and gender equality and accessibility and good will and niceness.

There is no room for racism or hatred or sexism in this company. We’re nice people. Sometimes we’re crass, but we’re mostly nice.

We’re death metal goth sort of nice.

We’re awesome. And our heroine is Arfa Karim.

Right now we’re operating out of Faisalabad, but we plan to expand.

We also made Ibsta Tales, a literary agency and a platform to give artists and writers and poets more voice. Pakistani artists and writers and poets, so to speak, but all people from all over the universe and multiverse are welcome. You need only to speak friend and enter.

Take care!




Drinker of Tea, ENFP, Purveyor of Weirdcraft and Shenaniganry, Stephen King Junkie.